Embark on a transformative journey with our 9-week " Know Thyself " course. Drawing from peer-reviewed science and spiritual wisdom, this comprehensive program is designed to guide you toward a profound understanding of your true self, your life's direction, and the path to achieving your goals. Dive into a holistic exploration of self-discovery and personal growth. Join us as we embark on this enlightening journey, with the first class commencing on December 8, 2023.

Currently only available to members of The Order.


Preparation begets success; a ritual for new beginnings.

  • A Beginner’s Heart: Most award-winning recipes have 90% of what every other recipe has… it’s the 10% change that makes it work. You may see techniques in this class that you have previously encountered. Learn it again as a necessary ingredient.

    A Notebook, maybe two: Many ah-ha moments will occur during this 9-part course.

    PDF: The PDFs provided may need to be printed if you want to participate in the exercises during the call.

    And lastly,

    An Open Mind: When we take a new class or learn a new subject, we expose ourselves to new ideas and truths. Letting go of old concepts when you see them can be hard initially. It is always okay to let ideas go; you can always return to them and explore again.

    EXTRA CREDIT: BOOKS - If you read these before the class, you may better understand many of the concepts involved in our course.

    1. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

    2. Loving What Is: The Four Questions by Byron Katie

    3. The Awakened Brain by Lisa Miller

    4. Come As You Are: Emily Nagoski

    5. Existential Kink by Carolyn Elliot

    6. The Biology of Belief - by Bruce H. Lipton

  • There is much to discover, learn, and feel. We wouldn’t suggest going through more than one lesson in a week. Many times, a lesson could take a month or even a year to complete and truly understand, even working diligently.

  • Most of the work performed by the Royers in 2022/2023 used the energy of Sex Magic. There will be opportunities to learn how to use this sexual energy to propel or enhance some of the tools shared during the course. These additional lessons won’t be in the main class but in a separate file. You may choose to use them or not, depending on your path.

  • The classes will be uploaded here within a day or two after the live version. You’ll have access to these courses for the entirety of your membership. You can view them at your leisure - there is no time limit for your learning. We also have DISCUSSIONS in DISCORD, Monday-Thursday weekly, where you can come by and ask questions in real time.

LESSON 1: Live Dec 8th

Initial Accounting

In our initial class, we'll delve into personal accounting and uncover our current state. This will allow us to see the dynamic shifts that occur as we embark on a journey of continuous growth. Throughout this class, we'll establish a structured framework for navigating these landscapes and assessing our progress along the way. Be ready to really look into the mirror. Only the truth can set you free.

"You can't improve what you can't measure,” Peter Drucker

LESSON 2: Live Dec 15th

Everything is Mental

In this class, we explore the profound concept that everything is a product of the mind, with our brains constantly processing and categorizing our surroundings based on past experiences. We dive into understanding the intricate workings of our mental faculties, uncovering the hidden "cheat codes" that enable us to enhance our adaptability and harness our inner potential. Prepare to embark on a captivating journey that seamlessly blends the sense of wonder you have with magic mixed in a solid foundation of scientific knowledge.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.” -
Carl Jung

LESSON 3: Live Dec 22nd

Is It True?

In this course, our exploration will extend beyond ourselves as we journey to unearth truths that may no longer hold validity. We will scrutinize our beliefs, the nature of our convictions, the sources of our security, and the origins of our shame, recognizing that they often rest upon a foundation of profound ambiguity.

Through deductive reasoning, we will endeavor to uncover the reasons behind the persistence of specific patterns even as we strive for change. Join us in this enlightening exploration of the complex dynamics that shape our perceptions and judgments.

“When you understand that every opinion is a vision loaded with personal history, you will begin to understand that all judgment is a confession” - attributed to Nicola Tesla (also not true).

LESSON 4: Live Dec 29th

Your Intuition

With a more profound grasp of the intricate connection between your mind and soul, you'll find fresh clarity in distinguishing your intuition from ordinary thoughts. Our course will equip you with the tools and knowledge to harness your innate intuitive instincts, enabling you to navigate life's myriad choices confidently. Join us and discover how to discern those subtle hunches, gaining the ability to differentiate between the voice of your mind and the wisdom of your intuition.

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant." -
Albert Einstein

LESSON 5: Live Jan 5th

In the Shadows

Now, to the more challenging aspects of our lives. We'll address the remaining feelings of shame and guilt, explore our guilty pleasures, confront our secrets and lies, and examine the elements of ourselves we'd never dare to share on social media. This course is a safe space to become at ease with these complex facets of our identity and better understand what drives us. It's an opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance as we explore what makes us unique and human.

RITUAL Available for participation

“Only in the darkness can you see the stars.” - Martin Luther King, Jr

LESSON 6: Live Jan 12th

Conflict Resolution

Many of the conflicts we experience in life originate within ourselves. To truly grasp conflict resolution, it's essential to begin with self-awareness and self-management. What's that lingering belief that seems to persist no matter how hard you try to let it go? In this course, we'll guide you through dissecting and understanding these stubborn thought patterns, ultimately helping you transform your inner dialogue.

We'll introduce you to time-tested techniques, some of which have been instrumental in halting wars, and demonstrate how they can be applied to shift and resolve inner conflicts.

“In the space between stimulus and response, lies our freedom and power to choose.” - attributed to Viktor Frankl

LESSON 7: Live Jan 19

Really Know Thyself

Truly understanding oneself involves conducting a fresh assessment of our current state and identifying which aspects of our inner world occupy our consciousness's forefront. Drawing upon the principles of Jungian psychology, we'll engage to discover and amplify our most authentic and influential voice.

Moreover, we'll introduce you to the enlightening realm of achieving a mental climax for those who have yet to explore the depths of their physical and mental experiences. This journey promises to enhance your self-awareness and unlock new dimensions of your cognitive capabilities.

RITUAL Available for participation

"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."–Aristotle

LESSON 8: Live Jan 26

Who is the leader?

Having cultivated a deep connection and harmony between your mind, body, and spirit, it's time to delve even further into the inner workings of your being. We will conduct a comprehensive assessment to identify the driving forces within you that shape the decisions influencing your future.

In this journey, we'll collaboratively select and empower inner leaders for each facet of your life, each part working in synergy to curate the most enriching and fulfilling experiences life has to offer. This approach will help you navigate life's complexities with intention and purpose, ensuring a harmonious balance in all aspects of your existence.

"A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go, but ought to be." -Rosalynn Carter

LESSON 9: Live Feb 2nd

New Coordinates and a Compass

As we gather for our final class, let's celebrate our incredible journey together. Armed with our research, self-knowledge, and wisdom, we will now learn to chart our life's course confidently and purposefully.

We've transformed excuses into achievements; each day has become a testament to our growth. Throughout this journey, we've discovered that while goals may shift, the experiences we've collected have been our guiding light to success.

Let's revel in our accomplishments and the promising future, knowing that the lessons learned here will continue to shape our lives profoundly. Here's to the incredible, transformative journey we've shared and the limitless possibilities that lie on the path now that you’re going in the right direction.

RITUAL Available for participation

“A goal is not always meant to be reached. It often serves simply as something to aim at.” - Bruce Lee