A Place for Community, Classes, Communication, Magic, and Play.

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✓ Hours of Online Videos
✓ In-House Library
✓ Magic Monday & Workshop Wednesday
✓ Sex Magic Series
✓ Private Parties & Events

ONLY $45 monthly

Working Member

✓ Weekly Housekeeping
✓ Lawn Maintenance and Care
✓ Carpenters, Plumbers, Electricians, and Painters Welcome
✓ Each Opportunity will Earn 1 to 12 Months of Membership

Meet Your Instructors

Joe & Sarah Royer 

A Dynamic couple who practice every day what they teach. Engaged under a hunter’s full moon and married on tribal lands at 2 AM with owls and deer as their guests, they only move with Hell Yes energy.

Joe is an NLP-Certified Life Coach who lives and teaches NVC. After 26 years in I.T., he has moved on to pursue his passion for communication as a speaker and mentor. He has been in the Austin kink scene since 1999 and a mentor since 2015.

His hobbies are numerous: Sailing, Fire Spinning (licensed), Ham Radio (building a radio station at Firehold Temple), Tabletop Gaming (D&D, SR, boardgames) and Regional Burns (Ranger, Board member) - it would be hard to believe that he is risk-averse and loves reading contracts. He acquired Fyrehold in January 2021, a local BDSM community dungeon and home. Keeping with tradition, he began renovations to continue serving the community after the pandemic.

He met his wife, Sarah, in October 2021 and proposed the day they met in person (the full moon). They were married 4 months later on 2/22/22 (on a Tuesday).

Sarah, a voting member of the Choctaw Nation, was an international businesswoman, avid traveler, and adrenaline junkie. Now, they can’t spend a day apart from each other, so she excitedly spends her time in Temple, growing the community with her husband. Her hobbies include religious and magical research, writing, board games, and art collecting; they have a pretty diverse collection.

Together, they have developed Firehold Temple & Academy, a community center for those looking to find themselves and a safe space for shadow work and BDSM training. They teach classes on communication, relationships, magic, energy movement, healing, sex Magic, and anything that will help your soul.


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